CentOS Linux Virtualization

Ovirt v4.4.0 on CentOS 8

Edit: 7/4/2020 – Updated and preferred install guide here.

We will be using CentOS 8 as our base operating system to install Ovirt v4.4.0 self hosted engine today. As a matter of fact CentOS 7 is not supported as a base OS starting with version 4.4.0 and future revisions. So once we have our OS installed, let’s start by making sure we are up to date.

sudo yum update -y && sudo yum install tmux -y

To install Ovirt 4.4 we need to setup the repository to install it and all of it’s dependencies.

sudo yum localinstall -y

Now that we have the repo, we need we can continue with our installing the hosted engine setup tool.

sudo yum install -y ovirt-hosted-engine-setup

Before continuing I recommend you picking a static IP to assign to your Ovirt manager VM and pointing your hostname to it via your DNS server of choice before running the installation process.

Once you have that all squared away you are free to begin the deployment process.

sudo hosted-engine --deploy

Follow along and answer all the question prompts. It will take the install process awhile depending on hardware specs.

Once the Ovirt manager VM is successfully deployed it will ask you for the storage domain you would like to use. Enter your storage of choice, again we are using NFS in this example.

When finished you may login using username/password at the hostname you configured for the Ovirt manager VM during deployment.

Happy virtualizing!


CentOS Linux Virtualization

Ovirt v4.3.10 on CentOS 7

Edit: 6/29/2020 – Make sure you check out the updated install guide if spinning up a new Ovirt cluster.

Now that we’ve got our NFS storage all configured and ready to go from the previous post; let’s install Ovirt 4.3.10 on CentOS 7. I’ll be using the self hosted engine install option and of course NFS as our storage domain provider.

As always we are starting with the latest updates for our base OS, CentOS 7 in this case. I’ll detail the CentOS 8 install in an upcoming blog post soon. It’s very much the same process with minor changes.

sudo yum update -y && sudo yum install -y screen

To install Ovirt we need to setup the repository to install it and all of it’s dependencies.

sudo yum localinstall -y

Now that we have the repo, we need we can continue with our installing the hosted engine setup tool.

sudo yum install -y ovirt-hosted-engine-setup

Before continuing I recommend you picking a static IP to assign to your Ovirt manager VM and pointing your hostname for that VM to the IP before running the installation process..

Once you have that all squared away you are free to begin the deployment process.

sudo hosted-engine --deploy

Follow along and answer all the question prompts. It will take the install process awhile depending on hardware specs.

Once the Ovirt manager VM is successfully deployed it will ask you for the storage domain you would like to use. Enter your storage of choice, again we are using NFS in this example.

When finished you may login to your cluster at the hostname you configured for the Ovirt manager VM.

Happy virtualizing!


CentOS Linux Random Storage

NFS Setup for RHV and Ovirt

Today I will detail how to configure a NFS server to be used as a storage domain provider for Red Hat Virtualization (RHV) or Ovirt. I will be using CentOS as my NFS OS but this will also work with RHEL.

After we have our base OS installed we want to go ahead and update to the latest verison. Followed by installing nfs-utils for get our NFS server up and going.

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install nfs-utils -y
sudo reboot #if needed

Now let’s enable our nfs service and open our firewall ports.

sudo systemctl enable --now nfs-server
sudo systemctl enable --now rpcbind
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=nfs --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=rpc-bind --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=mountd --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

From here we will want to create our directories we want to export. Normally there are 3 different domains you need; export, iso, and data. I will be making these in my users home directory to make it easy since the OS installer provisions more free space to /home.

mkdir ~/{export,iso,data}
chmod 0755 ~/{export,iso,data}
sudo chown 36:36 /home/<username>/{export,iso,data}

Because we are using the home directory for NFS we need to edit our SE Linux boolean value to allow this behavior.

sudo setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs 1

From here we just need to configure our exports and restart the nfs server and we are off to the races!

sudo vi /etc/exports

Add the following lines to the exports file, save the file, and restart the nfs service.

/home/<username>/export *(rw,sync)
/home/<username>/data *(rw,sync)
/home/<username>/iso *(rw,sync)

sudo systemctl restart nfs-server

Note you can replace the * in the above file with the IP of the server or even the subnet to only allow access to certain IPs/networks. See exports man page for more details.

Now because I don’t like typing long paths for my NFS server let’s create some symlinks for the directories we created above.

sudo ln -s /home/<username>/data /data
sudo ln -s /home/<username>/export /export
sudo ln -s /home/<username>/iso /iso

Tada your NFS server is ready to serve data for your virtualization platform!


CentOS Containers Linux OpenShift

OpenShift Origin 3.11 on CentOS 7

I had a friend who was having some issues with installing OpenShift Origin (OKD) 3.11 on a single node so I took to documenting my steps taken for my test deployment. We will assume you have installed the latest version of CentOS on your node that you will be deploying on.

From there you will want to log in and update the system.

sudo yum update -y

Next we will install the dependencies we need to continue followed by a reboot.

sudo yum install -y epel-release && sudo yum install -y python-pip python-devel git && sudo yum group install -y "Development Tools" && sudo reboot

Now that we have our dependencies installed and our system up to date we will want to clone the openshift-ansible install from github.

git clone
cd openshift-ansible
git checkout release-3.11

Now we will install the python dependencies using pip we installed earlier.

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally we run the two playbooks needed to deploy the standalone 3.11 version of OpenShift on CentOS 7.

sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.localhost playbooks/prerequisites.yml
sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.localhost playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml

Enjoy your OpenShift Origin 3.11 test environment!