OpenShift Red Hat

Cluster admin access in OCP 4.x via CLI

In the last blog post we went over how to add users to cluster-admin role in your OpenShift 4.x cluster. In this post I will detail how to make a user a cluster admin using the CLI which I have found to be the quickest method of doing so.

First we will have to log in to the cli using the kubeadmin user to provide cluster-admin level access to the accounts we created before.

oc login

Now that we are logged in as kubeadmin, let’s grant cluster-admin access to a user account.

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin <username>

Once you have done this for all users who need cluster-admin level access let’s login using that user using the oc login command from above. Let’s check that we have cluster-admin access by running the following command.

oc get nodes

This should return the names of the supervisor and worker nodes if successful. Next we will want to remove the temporary cluster-admin kubeadmin. We can do this by running the command below.

oc delete secrets kubeadmin -n kube-system

Congrats you have now setup your OCP users and given them cluster-admin access while removing the default account.


OpenShift Red Hat

Cluster admin access in OCP 4.x via WebUI

In the last blog post we went over how to add users to your OpenShift 4.x cluster using basic htpasswd authentication. In this post I will detail how to make a user a cluster admin so you can remove the default kubeadmin account.

First we will have to log in to the webui using the kubeadmin user to provide cluster-admin level access to the accounts we created before. After you have logged in expand the left hand menu that says User Management followed by clicking Role Bindings and finally Create Binding.

On the next screen we will setup our Role Binding. First we want to specify that this is a Cluster-wide Role Binding by checking the radio button for Binding Type. Next we need to give it a Name; this can be whatever you like. In this example I use new-admin-0. The Role Name we will select is cluster-admin. Finally we will put the username to give cluster-admin access to in the Subject Name box leaving the User radio button selected as seen below.

If all went well we should be able to log out of the webui as kubeadmin and log in as our user we just gave cluster-admin access to. We should have full access to all namespaces/projects like the kubeadmin user did. If so let’s continue on and delete the temporary kubeadmin account.

We can do this by clicking Workloads in the left hand menu followed by Secrets. We want to make sure our Project is set to kube-system else you will not see the kubeadmin secret.

Once you have located the kubeadmin secret you can click the 3 vertical dot menu on the right hand side for that secret and select Delete Secret.

Congrats you have successfully added your HTPasswd users to the cluster-admin role and removed the temporary cluster-admin account kubeadmin!


OpenShift Red Hat

HTPasswd Auth in OpenShift 4.x

In this post I will describe how to add basic HTPasswd authentication users to an OpenShift 4.x cluster.

First you will want to create a htpasswd file with all the users you want for your cluster. I will not cover that in this post but you should be able to find tutorials all over the web for doing such. The key here is to make sure you have the file in hand ready to upload to your OCP 4.x cluster.

Log in to your OCP cluster via the web interface using the kubeadmin user that is provided by default after the cluster installation. From here you should have a message at the top saying you’ve logged in using a temporary administrator like the one below.

Click the link in that message to take you to the OAuth details page for the cluster where you will have the option to add Identity Providers.

Click on the Add drop down followed by HTPasswd which will take you to the Add Identity Provider: HTPasswd page.

From here you will browse for your .htpasswd file and click the Add button. This will create the custom resource and secret needed to do authentication via HTPasswd.

In the next post I will discuss how to adding the cluster-admin role to these users.
