Linux Red Hat RHEL Satellite

Red Hat Satellite 6.5 -> 6.6 Upgrade

Standard warning do not do this in a production environment, follow official documentation, always make a backup, yadda, yadda, yadda, so on and so forth.

Anyways so I had an install of Red Hat Satellite to manage some of my personal work labs that was running version 6.5.3. In this post I will detail how I upgraded my Satellite install to version 6.6.3.

First let’s check what versions of Satellite are available to us.

sudo foreman-maintain upgrade list-versions

If all goes well we should get available versions of which 6.6 we will be choosing. Next we will want to run a check to make sure all is well before proceeding with our update.

sudo foreman-maintain upgrade check --target-version 6.6

Install any prerequisites you maybe missing and if the check comes back successfully then we may kick off the upgrade process.

sudo foreman-maintain upgrade run --target-version 6.6

Make sure you confirm the upgrade process when prompted to do so. If all goes well run this final command.

sudo hash -d foreman-maintain service 2> /dev/null

You should have a fully upgraded Red Hat Satellite server now running version 6.6!


Linux RHEL Virtualization

Nested Virtualization on RHV 4.3

While diving into Red Hat virtualization, I wanted to do some nested virtualization on my Intel NUC. In order to do nested virtualization on RHV 4.3 there are a few things you must configure. Please note that this feature is in tech preview currently.

First we need to check to make sure that nested virtualization is enabled on our host node. The Fedora docs have a great page for this.

In order to enable nested virtualization in RHV. You will need to pin the VM that you want to use it on to a particular host and disallow migration of that VM using live migration features. For me since this is a single NUC.

When building a new virtual machine or editing an existing one you will be looking at a screen that looks like the one below. Click on the ‘Host’ tab.

After you click on the host tab you will be looking at a screen similar to the screenshot below. You will want to pin the VM to a particular host, set the migration mode to Allow manual migration only. Once this is completed the Pass-Through Host CPU button will be enabled for use.

Now you will be able to do nested virtualization inside that particular VM. Repeat for any additional VMs you would like to have nested virtualization enabled.

Happy Nesting! – Mike